
Velero Volume Snapshot Location

Volume Snapshot Location

A volume snapshot location is the location in which to store the volume snapshots created for a backup.

Velero can be configured to take snapshots of volumes from multiple providers. Velero also allows you to configure multiple possible VolumeSnapshotLocation per provider, although you can only select one location per provider at backup time.

Each VolumeSnapshotLocation describes a provider + location. These are represented in the cluster via the VolumeSnapshotLocation CRD. Velero must have at least one VolumeSnapshotLocation per cloud provider.

A sample YAML VolumeSnapshotLocation looks like the following:

kind: VolumeSnapshotLocation
  name: aws-default
  namespace: velero
  provider: aws
    region: us-west-2

Parameter Reference

The configurable parameters are as follows:

Main config parameters

Key Type Default Meaning
provider String (Velero natively supports aws, gcp, and azure. Other providers may be available via external plugins.) Required Field The name for whichever cloud provider will be used to actually store the volume.
config See the corresponding AWS, GCP, and Azure-specific configs or your provider’s documentation.


Key Type Default Meaning
region string Empty Example: “us-east-1”See AWS documentation for the full list.Queried from the AWS S3 API if not provided.


Key Type Default Meaning
apiTimeout metav1.Duration 2m0s How long to wait for an Azure API request to complete before timeout.
resourceGroup string Optional The name of the resource group where volume snapshots should be stored, if different from the cluster’s resource group.


No parameters required.

Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.